Jury duty sketches

assets/sketchbook11 2.jpeg|Plein air sketch of St Mary’s Cathedral

My second time doing jury duty. I got a 4 day trial, which I think is not bad in the scheme of things. It wasn’t gory or complicated but was mostly incredibly dull, and I was so grateful that we were allowed to have a pen and paper to “take notes”, because otherwise it would have been hard to not fall asleep.

Obviously I couldn’t keep or take photos of my court notes, but I made use of the lunch hour to do some plein air sketches, mostly of the St Mary’s Cathedral. Later I added from photo a sketch of the ugliest ever magpie, who joined me for lunch by the cathedral. I rarely get the time or opportunity to sketch out and about, especially of such interesting architecture, so it almost made the jury service worth it.

Sketches done with Daniel Smith watercolors in Sketchbook 11, a Stillman & Birn Alpha in pocket size.

assets/sketchbook11 1.jpeg|Watercolor sketch

assets/sketchbook11-77d2d0d4.jpeg|Watercolor sketch